Friday, April 15, 2011

Stop it!

My generation is THE generation of whiners. I am pretty sure that we whine about anything and everything. I think its interesting how the things we seem to whine about most are the things that we have gotten ourselves into.

"Why does my credit score suck so bad/How did I just find myself in a bankruptcy!?" - because you have no self-control and don't know how to handle your own money… And for some reason, you think you need/deserve everything your parents have, when it took them most of a life-time to get where they are with what they have… that stuff doesn't come over-night to 99.9% of people! STOP OVER-SPENDING!

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe we got pregnant! How did this happen!?" - Really? well… I could explain it to you, but that should have been covered in your 5th grade health class… Do you really not know how it happened?! Really?!

"There aren't any jobs available, so why even try to go out and try to find one!?" - Look genius… there are actually plenty of jobs out there right now. They aren't all glamorous and 98% of them aren't going to get you rich. Don't use the economy as a crutch for your laziness, when that is exactly what put us into this mess… I don't want to pay for everything you have because I work hard and you are too lazy to get a job, or have one that isn't "your style…" or anything else. Stop collecting unemployment when you haven't put in a legitimate effort to get a job.

"Why am I constantly dating (pick a gender) that treats me like garbage!?" - Because you're constantly treating yourself like garbage! Girls stop giving guys everything they want and start treating yourself like a lady and guys… stop being such hounds and look up the word "Chivalry", "Chastity", and "Virtue"… you might learn a thing or two. Also, if you find yourself meeting the same type of person that you don't like… you might stop trying to find your soul mate in a bar! Switch up the venue!

Now, obviously there are exceptions to the rule. I have friends, dear friends, that have spent tons of time, effort and money to get a good solid job. Bad things happen to good people and they're put in situations that put them into severe debt, or they meet someone they think is awesome, and they turn out to be worse than scum. But over all, most of these issues can be helped!

In general, my generation is enjoying some of the most incredible times this world has ever seen. Have you ever stopped and realized that up until about 100 years ago, every generation before us had to ride horses everywhere? The fastest a human could go was how fast they could go on the back of a horse and now, going 75 miles an hour has become a very routine thing (let alone with airplanes are doing…) We can have a small thing in our pockets that after tapping it a few times can literally start communicating with someone thousands of miles away. Sometimes, I feel like we have a lot to be grateful for… and we are the worst at showing it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So why is that some people think that what they have, be it a car, a state, job, anything else is so clearly the best?

I just had a guy come into my work and complain to me that the company I work for is no longer producing a specific product. He also complained that they still make it/have it/sell it in Europe. Great.
"Well, we have actually released two brand new products and completely revamped another one to fit that segment"

Apparently these new products are crap (even though they have literally improved them from the old products in every way… especially reliability) and there is nothing that will compare to the old thing. Where I can appreciate liking some things that are old… in the grand scheme of things, and even in this particular industry… this particular item is NOT old. Whatever.

On this same note… to those men out there driving really really huge trucks:
When people see you they don't think, "Wow, What a huge truck… he must be really manly!" they are actually thinking, "Poor guy… he must be compensating…" I promise no one thinks your truck is cool but you and your friends. Sorry.

Done Ranting.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


So, I currently live in a place that enjoys winter a bit longer than most other places in the US, but today… today we have had 50 degree weather, and it has been lovely.

There is something about the coming spring that is so exciting… new life? new opportunities? allergies? Either way, today was the first day that felt legitimately springy.

Something additional I find amazing is the first time you actually get to smell rain after a long winter. Not the kind of rain that actually just freezes the second it hits the ground, or the weird mix between rain and snow (not sleet or hail… you know what I'm talking about…), but real, clean, warm rain. I love it.

I've also been thinking a lot lately as to how human everyone is. My current occupation has a relatively poor connotation. Because of my occupation it seems people feel they can treat me as less than human. There have been so many times where I've wanted to stop people and say, "You do realize that you just treated me like less thank human because of my job. If you had done that to anyone else, in any other profession, you would actually feel bad about yourself right now…"